Post by packerconvert on Oct 29, 2009 21:19:52 GMT -5
I just talked to a 68 year old lady who is pretty miffed at Obama for taking the money she paid in all these years to Medicare and spending it on people who haven't worked a day in their lives and never will.
What should I tell her?
I ask you two because you two are so open to spending other people's earnings:)
Post by TW on Oct 29, 2009 21:29:03 GMT -5
Of course she's miffed. She's imbued with the "me first" syndrome.
Lots of people are. Personally, I figure we're all in life together.
Post by packerconvert on Oct 29, 2009 21:31:31 GMT -5
Umm.."me sydrome" may originate from "me earn"
Post by TW on Oct 29, 2009 22:12:37 GMT -5
So, what would be wrong with someone who made more than she did over her lifetime complaining that she's getting "too much" for the lousy income she made?
It's an endless cycle of me-first people. It's too bad. They then try to tell people how they're religious... Of course that's a lie, isn't it?
Post by packerconvert on Oct 29, 2009 23:03:03 GMT -5
This has nothing to do with religion.
I have no issues about the commensurate return you are talking about, but how to you return money commensurately to someone who earned zero?
You are turning this into a debate about who paid more...the key word being, "paid!"
0 x 0 = 0
Post by TW on Oct 30, 2009 5:22:26 GMT -5
Only one person in the US has the right to say they paid more than anyone else. That's the person that actually paid more. Anyhow, it seems like those that do the most whining about it are those who have "gaps" in their payments. If I wanted to be critical, I could sneer at her and say that she took time off from work, and paying SS tax to have kids. Then I could point out that she probably never, let alone every year, paid out the maximum dollar figure into SS as it's established. In other words, she's a "leech." Ergo, her complaint is malicious, and the intent to show how she's more important than the next person. And yes, it has a lot to do with religion. Watch for her. She usually sits in the front of the church on Sunday, because after all, she's a "better" Christian than the others, who didn't make as much money.
Post by packerconvert on Oct 30, 2009 9:07:47 GMT -5
Dude! You are off your rocker!
The complaint is not malicious. All seniors 65 and over built Medicare. It is their money!
It is one thing to share Medicare with those who work and have already contributed towards the Medicare.
And if I paid more than someone else and saw they didn't pay anything, I wouldn't have any issues because obviouisly the intent to work was there.
When you have somoene who hasn't paid in period, that is a big fricken issue.
It's like a Co-Op of workers banding together and sharing the cost of healthcare through their paychecks and then the government comes along and says you must expand your coverage to those who are lazy.
It woudln't go over well with me. I will help those who help themselves, but those who don't help themselves can reap what they sow.
Post by TW on Oct 30, 2009 10:27:14 GMT -5
Post by packerconvert on Oct 30, 2009 10:31:59 GMT -5
Life is about personal choice and consequences. You remove those elements from society and you will have chaos.
Those who do little should have little and those who work hard should have more. It's is simple and it is fair and it is based on character and merit. No some arbitrary "feel good" nuance.
If I train hard, show up to practice daily, practice on my own time and end up winning the race, shouldn't I get the first place medal instead of having it awarded to Schleppy Lou down at the bar with cigarette in hand?
Post by packerconvert on Oct 30, 2009 10:33:20 GMT -5
Post by TW on Oct 30, 2009 10:33:21 GMT -5
I don't see the comparison. It's not a "sports event."
Post by packerconvert on Oct 30, 2009 10:35:13 GMT -5
Read the parable. Those who do nothing with what they have deserve to have it taken away. That is in the New Testament my friend.
Post by TW on Oct 30, 2009 10:43:37 GMT -5
I believe that you missed the key element of your "quote."
He asks that those who don't make him money should be killed in front of him.
You might want to find another source of treating people poorly. Your reference is a man who would be king, and he says...
I tell you, he replied, that to those who have something, even more will be given; but those who have nothing, even the little that they have will be taken away from them.27 (C)Now, as for those enemies of mine who did not want me to be their king, bring them here and kill them in my presence!
Post by packerconvert on Oct 30, 2009 10:48:21 GMT -5
No Sir, you miss the point of the parable.
The point of the parable is that if you choose Christ as your "King" then you are to abide and even deepen the investment between you and God. Therefore, that which is given(talent, hardwork, etc) to you by God should be returned to God with greater value.
God expects greatness from all who choose his path. Not just sit on their ass and take from those who do use their talents and hardwork to deepen their relationship with Christ.
Post by TMWight on Oct 30, 2009 11:27:06 GMT -5
PC, can you direct me to a news article or something regarding this issue as I'm not familiar with it.