Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 9, 2009 14:55:06 GMT -5
Post by TMWight on Mar 9, 2009 17:12:05 GMT -5
Woot! Now I can show you little respect and call you LT.
I'm in paramedic school near Tampa. I was a volunteer down in Pinellas County for a couple of years and I really miss it. I can't wait to get my medic and start getting paid.
My mom has been a police dispatcher since she was 17 years old. When they had those fires on the east coast she and her friend went over there and dispatched for the fire depts.
Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 10, 2009 7:36:46 GMT -5
Woot! Now I can show you little respect and call you LT. I'm in paramedic school near Tampa. I was a volunteer down in Pinellas County for a couple of years and I really miss it. I can't wait to get my medic and start getting paid. My mom has been a police dispatcher since she was 17 years old. When they had those fires on the east coast she and her friend went over there and dispatched for the fire depts. Are you going to fire school(Min. Standards) as well, or are you already a firefighter?
Post by TMWight on Mar 10, 2009 8:46:07 GMT -5
I was in about 3 years ago and I failed 2 tests so they kicked me out. I was more worried about the physical part of the school rather than the acedemic. I will be going back when I get my medic, hopefully they'll hire me beforehand and pay for it.
Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 10, 2009 12:05:06 GMT -5
Good luck, times are tough. I don't know too many places that hire a single certified person.
Post by TMWight on Mar 10, 2009 12:33:00 GMT -5
Well being over here helps, a lot of stations are going up in Pasco County.
I work with a lot of guys who work at various agencies who keep an eye out for me.
As a white male it's easier for me to get picked up with that yellow and blue patch than it is with EMT and FF. There's always northern counties as well.
Practice Squad
Prodigal Son
Posts: 931
Post by WhatUSaid on Mar 10, 2009 13:32:22 GMT -5
Dispensable or defensible? LOL.
Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 10, 2009 17:02:49 GMT -5
Dispensable or defensible? LOL. FIREDUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very frackin funny! My sunglasses kept my 'Deer in the headlights' look from being too noticable!
Post by TMWight on Mar 10, 2009 20:47:13 GMT -5
LOL I just got to see the video. You should have asked them for another take dude.
Btw, do you work for forestry or a department?
Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 12, 2009 15:58:46 GMT -5
LOL I just got to see the video. You should have asked them for another take dude. Btw, do you work for forestry or a department? I work for Volusia County Fire. We have a special team dedicated to fighting wildland fires. We're called "Firewalkers"-go figure. We have normal station assignments, but we get "called out" when there is a big brush fire. So, it looks like this years is gonna be a very active year for fires. www.volusia.org/fireservices/firewalk.htmDespite what the info says, there are no volunteers on the team, we're all career.
Post by TW on Mar 12, 2009 16:31:38 GMT -5
Do you volunteer to be "Firewalkers?" If that part of your job is voluntary, maybe that's where the statement comes from. It's certainly not an easy job, and if you guys have volunteered to do it... we're talking deserving the recognition for being a voluteer.
I've had the "misfortune" of having to fight three forest fires during my lifetime, and I rate that right up there with the toughest things I've had to do. I admire those who do the work. They're part of the real structure of heroes in our society.
Post by firemancheesehead on Mar 13, 2009 7:59:30 GMT -5
No, we do volunteer to join the team, but the info states that the team is made up of career and vollies. There are no vollieson the team. We're all career.