Post by packerconvert on Jul 3, 2013 3:31:29 GMT -5
the number one excuse for not voting in this country,,,, my one vote does not make a difference. For Democrats, its my 7 votes at 7 different precincts don't make a difference.
Post by TW on Jul 4, 2013 15:20:50 GMT -5
And for the Republicans, it's nte seven votes "not allowed" because of the color of your skin that works for them.
Post by nick20 on Jul 7, 2013 10:44:30 GMT -5
1 vote doesn't make a difference/ I think 2000 should have put that canard to rest. Florida was decided by 500 votes, out of more than 6 million. the margin was so tiny that a few more people turning out could have made all the difference. the truth is, people don't regularly commit election fraud, because there's all sorts of safeguards put in. you have to have a water bill, you have to check off that you are who you say you are, the poll workers go down the address book and check every person that comes in. if you are a regular voter, like I am, they know your face. more people waste their votes voting for bugs bunny and mickey mouse than those who commit actionable prosecutable voter fraud. this voter id nonsense is not needed. we need to make it easier for people to vote, not harder. Wisconsin makes it very easy, and has a population with a strong commitment to voting and civic duty. hence why we get good turnout.
Post by TW on Jul 11, 2013 11:40:38 GMT -5
What puzzles me most is how so many people vote for a specific party without realizing that the candidates they have on their slate do not represent what the voter wants.
We have too many people who throw their votes away, simply by not understanding the issue, the candidate, and what the results of their decision will make.
The argument that the reason candidates get beat is because people swing their vote to another party is only a partial fact. The reason so many bad candidates don't get elected or re-elected has more to do with voter apathy, where people don't bother to vote.
As good as our system is, it's totally screwed up because people don't understand the need to cast a ballot for what they believe. But, after each election, the non-voters seem to be the first to complain about everything.
Post by happypacker on Jul 11, 2013 12:02:28 GMT -5
amen, just what i am saying,, and i agree with you TW,,, well said!