Post by packerconvert on Apr 20, 2013 9:06:43 GMT -5
"In the aftermath of horrible tragedies like Newtown, the government desperately wants to do something--even if that something is the wrong thing. There seems to be this notion, at least among liberals, that more laws will protect us--but as we all witnessed in Boston, that isn't necessarily the case. The government can't make us safer until it recognizes that the problem isn't the instruments of violence--but the environment of it. […] If Congress wants to stop these tragedies, then it has to address the government's own hostility to the institution of the family and organizations that can address the real problem: the human heart. As I've said before, America doesn't need gun control, it needs self-control. And a Congress that actively discourages it--through abortion, family breakdown, sexual liberalism, or religious hostility--is only compounding the problem." www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/19/1203293/-Family-Research-Council-blames-sexual-liberalism-for-Newtown-Boston-murders-ReallyLOL. Scroll down in the comments section of this article. It is amazing how so many maroons can miss the point of the article that passing laws will not protect us as the human heart grows darker. The point of the article was to state that you're not going to make us safer by passing laws until life is valued and government reflects those values and the importance of self-control.
Post by TW on Apr 20, 2013 11:53:11 GMT -5
I missed something. I got the impression the right was trying to blame left wingers for what happened by saying their intent is to break down the morality of families, through allowing abortion, etc.
What we have here is far right and far right doing nothing but pandering to the fringe on both sides, and neither are worth discussing.
You might want to read about some of the "concerns" addressed by right wingers that the cameras that caught the two guys in Boston probably shouldn't exist, because they infringe on the individual rights of people for anonymity.
Then there's the issue of "reading someone their rights." The left wingers who insist that the terrorist should have been immediately read his rights don't understand the intent of "free questioning." They won't be using anything he says at that point against him in his case. They just want to use information to insure there are no other plots, and conspiracy out there, that the information could stop from happening. After that, he will be read his rights, and the process will begin, for his trial. It's a law passed a few years back, to insure authorities could question someone without them clamming up demanding an attorney. It's purpose makes sense.
As far as what could have prevented these events, there are obviously questions that need to be answered, about how people treat others. The kid, at Newtown, had been bullied at that school. Bullying needs to stop. The kids that act as bullies need to be sent packing from the schools, and sent to a "special school," that teaches them how to act like responsible adults, even if that means it's a military style school. Parents of kids that are bullies, need to pay stiff fines, that increase proportionally, each time it happens, to insure they instill as much discipline as possible at home.
But, of course, none of that is acceptable, is it? Violates rights according to the right, and is cruel punishment according to the left.
Somewhere in the middle is reality.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 20, 2013 15:00:38 GMT -5
Again, the point is missed.
The discussion isn't about rights; its about self control.
I do not care about cameras in public places.
I do not care about Miranda rights.
I do not care about bullies.
I do not care about abortion.
What I do care about are the actions and motivations that lead up to those symptoms wherein a person must make a decision to act. Sometimes, those decisions are not rational.
If people exercised self-control, they wouldn't have to worry about being confronted 'bout abortions, being a bully, cameras in public places or being read rights because they wouldn't be hurting anyone because they would have self control to hold their emotions and actions in check.
The question that needs to be begged: How do you re-enforce and teach self control? You do it by building empathy.
How do you build empathy? You place the value of life above all other values.
Can you really say that is where America sets right now?
Do we hold life above all other values or does money, fame, notoriety, infamy prevail?
Post by happypacker on Apr 20, 2013 16:18:22 GMT -5
hold the parents acountable for many of there childs mis doings. like if your a bully, make the child and the parent go to classes about preventing this from happening again, If you just send the child, and say fine the parents, that means nothing, you need to hold the parent responsible for many things the child does. Now evereything the kid does not relate back to the parents sometimes, we need good comment sense.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 20, 2013 16:50:26 GMT -5
hold the parents acountable for many of there childs mis doings. like if your a bully, make the child and the parent go to classes about preventing this from happening again, If you just send the child, and say fine the parents, that means nothing, you need to hold the parent responsible for many things the child does. Now evereything the kid does not relate back to the parents sometimes, we need good comment sense. It doesn't matter what parents do when society undermines values; that's the point of the article.
Post by TW on Apr 21, 2013 6:10:10 GMT -5
Undermining society.
I'm afraid that's a statement made way too often which is hollow, and usually cloaks itself in the guise of religion.
We claim this when things go wrong here, against our way of life, and radical Muslims claim the same thing, when they do terrorist acts. Their society, in their minds, is also being undermined.
No catch-all, wide-brush, painting acceptable. We need a proactive society that moves past the fundamental beliefs that anyone who doesn't think like us, or act like us, is "abnormal," and a potential enemy.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 7:29:25 GMT -5
I totally agree, but often such thinking is undermined by government.
People have the right to their beliefs and this movement to make everyone "cookie-cutter" weakens what has always made this nation strong; our diversity.
Post by happypacker on Apr 21, 2013 10:55:33 GMT -5
who makes up society? let me guess, people and parents?
Post by TW on Apr 21, 2013 11:55:31 GMT -5
Undermined by government. You mean "laws." You know... like laws that say blacks should vote in the South? Equal rights?
Even saying that government gets in the way is a scape goat. It's saying that government is getting in the way of how you think things should be.
No matter what the subject is, there's a minority number of people that disagrees with the issue. It's out there, always is. Sometimes, the only reason the people disagree is to be opposed to "everything."
I can look at the issue of tighter gun control through tougher background checks for registration, where they couldn't get 60 votes to favor it whereas 90%+ of all Americans are for it. The NRA lobby with their money, has so damned many elected politicians running scared that it's sickening.
It's time that we take all outside influences out of politics. It should be issues decided by our elected officials based on the will of the majority. We see the minority having too much money to spend to "target" individuals to beat in elections, taking the balance out of the system.
The system needs to be fixed, and it starts by taking large blocks of influential money out of the political arena, permanently.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 11:59:31 GMT -5
who makes up society? let me guess, people and parents? Here is the answer to your question. I hope this is what you were looking for. Thanks. Society: a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests.
Post by TW on Apr 22, 2013 2:46:47 GMT -5
I would agree and disagree with that definition of society, since American society is based on immigration which creates a broader base of differences in all areas you indicated. It means that we must learn to be homogeneous, in bringing people from all ethnic, religious, and personal backgrounds into the fold, despite the differences we may have, in our every day life.
The trick is in how you can as assimilate people into a mix, with these diverse backgrounds, and is what's causing us the most grief in the US.
The stead fast religious beliefs conflict way too often with the reality of fairness to others, while the effect of science tends to dismiss all forms of religion, thereby creating an even greater difference.
We need to learn to live together, and not abuse each other through our words and actions.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 23, 2013 4:05:05 GMT -5
Nature's red in tooth and claw.