Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 10:57:47 GMT -5
Where does this come from? Is the brother in the hospital talking or is the press ginning this story up more?
Post by nick20 on Apr 21, 2013 11:35:03 GMT -5
the guys is in the hospital and cant speak so we dont know his motivations. but i'm guessing the older brother - who apparently was the hardliner radical of the two- was a bad influence on him. older brother can have a positive- or negative-influence. in this case it was negative.
Post by earnesttbass01 on Apr 21, 2013 12:41:18 GMT -5
This was all about religion. We the Americans are the infidels that must be eliminated according to the two schmuck Chechnians. They came here from another country, got free money from the U.S. Government and even a nice college education. In the end they show their gratitude by blowing up innocent people in the name of Allah.
I am sure the liberal media will try to paint the picture that the younger one still alive was a "victim". The kid will probably also claim his dead brother was the reason he did it. I'm not buying it for a second. This guy is an adult and knows right from wrong. Millions of Americans have brothers and sisters and just because they screw up doesn't automatically make it a law that you should or have to follow him/her into hell. It's their religion that is the problem. They hate Americans bottom line.
What I don't understand is Obama told us these type of attacks were a thing of the past. He keeps telling us that Muslims are all about peace and love. I believed him because as far as I know Obama has never lied to the American people.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 12:59:22 GMT -5
All conjecture: On day one, it was white men responsible for the bombing.
Why don't we let the facts get ferreted out before you we go jumping to conclusions that this was a religious attack.
When did Obama say these types of attacks were a thing of the past?
Post by earnesttbass01 on Apr 21, 2013 13:10:35 GMT -5
All conjecture: On day one, it was white men responsible for the bombing. Why don't we let the facts get ferreted out before you we go jumping to conclusions that this was a religious attack. When did Obama say these types of attacks were a thing of the past? I don't need to wait. I have enough "facts" to know what type of attack this was. It was all religious. Why else would these two bomb innocent people for? These two were radical Islamic Extremists that hate America. That's my story and I am sticking too it!! E.T. BAss
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 17:02:54 GMT -5
You have your right to your beliefs.
I can't force you to be right.
P.S. When did Obama say attacks like these were a thing of the past?
Post by earnesttbass01 on Apr 21, 2013 17:11:28 GMT -5
It's not so much about my beliefs than it is just using common sense and my gut instinct. I am going on record and saying these two a holes did it because of their religion. So if you had to guess why do you think they did it? Just curious.
Earnest Tee
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 17:43:55 GMT -5
If politics have taught me anything, its to know the facts before answering the question. As anyone can tell, I'm no Chris Mathews. ;D
My initial impression --after I filter out the hate speech from the left and the right -- is that religion was the vehicle, but disillusionment and disenfranchisement from American society were the drivers, particularly for the elder brother. Therefore, religion was the excuse, but not the reason.
These guys were amateurs and wannabes, not the hardcore, religious zealots you make them out to be.
Post by tnpackfan7 on Apr 21, 2013 18:38:16 GMT -5
Agree that their disenfranchisement from society a driver for the older brother. I think it had more to do with their Chechen "brothers" getting to the older brother than the similar things we have seen from radical Islam in the ME.
While they were amateurs...they had help building the bombs (likely learned while older brother was in Russia).
And I do agree the older brother influenced the younger to be involved...have a hunch that little brother was more than just "along for the ride" and may have had a hand in planning and leading this in a way (given his personality that we know of through friends and such...and what appears to be a more weak and passive personality of the older brother).
Post by earnesttbass01 on Apr 21, 2013 18:39:01 GMT -5
If politics have taught me anything, its to know the facts before answering the question. As anyone can tell, I'm no Chris Mathews. ;D My initial impression --after I filter out the hate speech from the left and the right -- is that religion was the vehicle, but disillusionment and disenfranchisement from American society were the drivers, particularly for the elder brother. Therefore, religion was the excuse, but not the reason. These guys were amateurs and wannabes, not the hardcore, religious zealots you make them out to be. I agree about knowing the facts but when you have a media that doesn't tell you the truth or has their own agenda than how can the public know what those true facts are. That's why I said I have to go with my gut and my instincts. My instincts telll me this was about religion and their hatred for the United STates. I don't listen to any of the new networks anymore if I can help it. If I do listen to one it's Fox News. They are the ONLY ones you can trust out of all of them.
Post by tnpackfan7 on Apr 21, 2013 18:39:56 GMT -5
Fox News? Trust? Sorry...that is quite funny. They and MSNBC are the two worst to even try listening to you as all they will give you is their slanted version of things and not actual news.
Post by packerconvert on Apr 21, 2013 19:19:59 GMT -5
Avoid them all kids. They'll just make you angry and that's no way to live life.