Post by packerconvert on Aug 12, 2012 19:05:02 GMT -5
I will not be voting in this year's Presidential election due to the stupid ass decision by Romney to pick Ryan.
End of Notice.
Post by TW on Aug 12, 2012 20:28:25 GMT -5
I'll bet you do.
Post by packerconvert on Aug 14, 2012 17:25:27 GMT -5
Maybe a protest vote. Any suggestions of write in candidates to demonstrate my anger at our choice for candidates this November?
Post by TW on Aug 14, 2012 17:41:25 GMT -5
As you well know, I spent a great deal of my life voting as a conservative. When the Republican Party became the voice of the wealthy, not those who wanted conservative government, I moved to the middle of the spectrum, and voted for what I considered either the best person for the job, or in some cases - the lesser of two evils.
If you want the Republicans to return to what they were when they championed the middle-class, you have no choice but vote for liberals, because they at least consider the middle class valuable as citizens, while the Romney/Ryan support group is nothing more than neocons wearing halloween disguises.
Post by packerconvert on Aug 14, 2012 18:22:12 GMT -5
I can't vote for Obama. Seriously, I can't. I think he's an "empty suit" and since you brought up halloween disguises, Obama rotates his costumes between all the characters of thte Wizard of Oz. One day he lacks courage, another day he lacks a brain, another day he lacks a heart, another day he's the man behind the curtain, and other days; voters want to send him back home to Kansas.
Post by packerfanfran on Aug 14, 2012 21:13:17 GMT -5
Your vote doesn't count anyways PC
Post by packerconvert on Aug 15, 2012 17:56:27 GMT -5
Your vote doesn't count anyways PC You have it wrong. Under Obama's America, its one man, one vote, one time.