Post by happypacker on Jul 25, 2012 6:03:43 GMT -5
the shareholders meeting that the Packers just held ,they were expecting to have around 32,000 people , but only 12, 300 or so showed up.
Post by TW on Jul 25, 2012 7:14:36 GMT -5
People who bought stock in the past are upset, and have a reason to be upset. We were always given up to four tickets to the event. Since this last stock drive, they cut us back to one ticket. That means a husband/wife can't attend together, and that's pure crap. They used to be fan oriented team, not happening now, with the new President. Murphy is kind of classless when it comes to recognize what really makes the Packers strong. THE FANS!!!!
Post by happypacker on Jul 25, 2012 9:08:40 GMT -5
TW, you are so correct, i got one ticket and so i told the wife we are not going. I also wrote a letter to M. Murphy letting him know it. It is more and more the need for the big money, and guess who pays for it? right the fans,,one way or another.
I also see that they signed on ED Policy,,,as vise President and general council. I remember him from the AFL and the time he spent in the other league. I do not really care for him. jmho
Post by nick20 on Jul 25, 2012 20:14:35 GMT -5
I didn't go, as i had no means of getting there. But it was nice to get the letter and i did vote my share. Hopefully I'll be able to go next year and hopefully they will extend it back to 4 people per shareholder.