Post by TW on Jul 19, 2012 17:08:20 GMT -5
Since Sunday, I've spent a lot of time talking to firemen from Milwaukee. Despite what people think, their feelings, and that of the Milwaukee police officers, is that Walker is more in tune with them, than what Barrett was. Based on the information they gave me, it could have contributed to a major swing in the voting.
From what I gathered, well over 80% of the both fire and police voters voted for Walker. The same with their spouses. In total, we're talking about nearly 100,000 votes, when they included the families of people associated with both these groups.
Interestingly enough, as I talked to some of them, I found a lot of racial tension based on the conditions in the city itself. Did it play out as part of the equation when they voted? Possibly, but I think the big issue was that these people felt abandoned by Barrett in his duties, and cutting of services.
Like one of them told me. "If Walker is re-elected, the fear they have is that he'll be coming after them and their pensions as well."
I understand their position, and when you consider all the metro police officers and fire personnel throughout Wisconsin, I see a strong influence in the final vote.
If any Democrat wants to win in this state in November, they better take a good look at where they're going in regards to service personnel.
Post by packerconvert on Jul 19, 2012 18:33:16 GMT -5
Good thing Walker left the Police and Fire Unions alone.
With 64 percent of American feeling that Government is part of the problem, its is no wonder these servants of the public feel left behind.
Post by TW on Jul 19, 2012 20:29:48 GMT -5
They aren't being left alone. They're being cut to the bone in one jurisdiction after another.
The 9-11 love affair ended a long time ago. Now they're a "burden" on society.
People have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to those who protect them.
Post by TW on Jul 19, 2012 20:33:02 GMT -5
Here's something I forgot to mention in the beginning of this thread.
The Milwaukee Fire Department can respond to a call in just under 3 minutes, and usually under 5, throughout the city.
The problem is, they cannot go in, and do their jobs, until the police arrive and clear the area of any danger.
The problem is, the police can't get there in less than an average of 10 minutes.
That means that for several minutes, the fire department has to sit and watch something burn.
That, to me, is just plain stupid!
Post by amoeba15 on Jul 20, 2012 10:07:05 GMT -5
They aren't being left alone. They're being cut to the bone in one jurisdiction after another. The 9-11 love affair ended a long time ago. Now they're a "burden" on society. People have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to those who protect them. 'They aren't being left alone. They're being cut to the bone in one jurisdiction after another.'I know, I know. Walker & Republicans, aka, the Borg, are like a cancer that will devour anybody and everything in its path and often state the following: "We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”
Post by TW on Jul 20, 2012 11:04:56 GMT -5
You might take a better look Amoeba. The cities where they are being cut severely are run by Democrats.
Post by packerconvert on Jul 20, 2012 14:20:53 GMT -5
You might take a better look Amoeba. The cities where they are being cut severely are run by Democrats. All you hear is crickets.
Post by TW on Jul 20, 2012 16:12:35 GMT -5
Truth is truth. People have to quit living in this political vacuum that states everything that's wrong is the responsibility of the other party.
Post by packerconvert on Jul 21, 2012 19:07:07 GMT -5
I personally think that Amoeba has an air tight bubble over his head that pumps non-stop CNN and Rachel Maddow and has a stomach tube for nutrition and booze with morphine to boot.