Post by happypacker on Aug 20, 2012 16:42:34 GMT -5
you should also know that a 401 has no guarantee on what you get back from your match, the only part is what you put in. , My cousin is a lawyer in good old calif. he told about this woman who worked for 23 years had a 401 k and the comapny actully spent all of it because they were allowed to use it to pay the companies debt to keep the business open not any more, but you only get back what you invested, so it is a low interest bank account, wow.
Post by packerconvert on Aug 20, 2012 19:17:43 GMT -5
Thankfully I work for a Christian organization, so that would never happen.
Post by nick20 on Aug 22, 2012 21:03:56 GMT -5
i believe the top tax rate should be 70% like it was as recebntly as carter. there should also be a small stock transaction tax which the Us had until 1966. say .25% on new stock and halve it when you trade or sell it. same with bonds. there are a lot more people in the stock market today than back in the 60s and the money generated from that tax would likely be in the hundreds of billions over the course of the year. The reason why we are in such a hole is because of Bush and the Republicans blowing through money like a sailor on shore leave in Vegas. we are at war and yet taxes were cut during war time. usually when you go to war shouldnt you first make sure you have the money to pay for it? during WW2 the top tax rate skyrocketed in order to pay for everything or at least get close. keynesian economics dictates that you spend in tough times and tighten in good times. the current group of republicans is virulentrly anti-tax at a time when increased revenue is absolutely necessary. as Oliver Wendell Holmes said " I like taxes. With them I buy civilization. Romney imo, is most likely a tax cheat. he was on marriotts Compliance board when the IRS nailed them for creating phony writeoffs using the " Son Of BOSS' tactic, marriott applied for 70 milion dollars using that tactiocs and the IRS had to go to court to shut them downm. then theres the 100 million in Romneys IRA. by law you are only allowed a max contribution of 6000 a year when romney started it it was 2000 max. so how, legally could you get that much money into an account when you are capped at a couple thousand a year? well by understating the value of your stock for one, which shuld imo be illegal. you should be required to state the current value of the stock when you put it in an account then theres the fact he refuses to release his tax returns, which is a practice long accepted in presidential campaigns. his father george produced 12 years. and generally the fewest any recent presidential candidate has released has been 5 years. romney hasnt even released 1 complete return yet. i think the reason he has not released them is pretty clear, he took advantage of an amnesty the IRS offered in 2009 for people who put money in Swiss bank accounts that they did not disclose to the IRS, which is a felony. i would also not be suprised to see that his federal income tax rate was in the low single digits, which for a man of his income would be a big sore point in the campaign. the tax code needs to be cleaned up loopholes for companies like the oil companies and agriculture need to go and the military budget needs a good wacking, by this i mean terms of money paid to contractors not the benefits and wages of our soldiers.
Post by packerconvert on Aug 23, 2012 18:09:27 GMT -5
Post by TW on Aug 24, 2012 9:41:02 GMT -5
When they cut military budgets, it rarely effects anyone other than the soldiers. It's where it all ends up going.
The contractors that would be hit would be those who supply food, and services at military installations, like the hell-holes that soldiers like my son are at, in Afghanistan.
The upkeep on a COP, which is nothing more than a few tents, barricades around the entire perimeter, a "mess hall," where they serve food past the expiration date getting soldiers sick, a few air conditioners that usually don't work, because the "budget was cut" and no civilian technicians are available to repair them.
What I'm saying is that the statement "military budget cuts" is not acceptable, unless someone figures out a way we can wage war, without sending our people into harms way, and suffering from those "cuts."
I keep stating that the problem isn't how much the government spends, it's how little it is bringing in, from taxes, because we've allowed our manufacturing, industrial, and technology base to be moved to foreign shores, than sold into our nation, where we no longer have the jobs that fueled the taxes, and bought products.
Everyone should cut the crap, and realize that we need to create jobs by forcing industry to manufacture, and create ventures at home.
As far as the "tax cuts" we've seen, they don't work. What we need to do is create enormous taxes on products manufactured outside the US, to even get into our nation, and start manufacturing at home, not some third world hell hole where they pay children $2 a day to slave for 14 hours to survive.
It's time to reclaim our own nation. It does not belong to the Japanese, or the Chinese!
Cut spending? Bull! Increase taxes through job creation. It also spurs buying.
Post by happypacker on Aug 24, 2012 14:50:09 GMT -5
the US government owes China from borrowing, so much money that if they asked for it all the govt would go broke, they sold there souls to China.
Post by packerconvert on Aug 24, 2012 17:36:12 GMT -5
the US government owes China from borrowing, so much money that if they asked for it all the govt would go broke, they sold there souls to China. Well China owes us too bud. Perhaps we should take their position and just disclaim the debt we owe them like they have with the debt owed to America. ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-792833
Post by nick20 on Aug 24, 2012 22:04:07 GMT -5
We owe china about 1 trillion. we owe ourselves about 10 times that. what with pensions ss and other public debt, which is money we owe ourselves, it dwarfs anything we owe any other country. to say all our debt is owed to China is not only wrong and illinformed its provably so. as for taxes yes they need to go up create programs like during the depression and you'll bew stunned how many people would sign up During the Depression the CCC hired more than 3 million people from 1933-42 and this wasa limioted to guys ages 18-24. and did not extend to every region of the country. polls consistently found across the spectrum that people supported the CCC by 4-1 margins, and there was wide support for making it a permanent asgency. congress didnt do that, whiuch imo was a mistake. the president should revive the CCC and add it to a Department of conservation as well as moving the NPS and EPA from interior into conservation. last year the US spent over 500 billion on regulkar defense, more than 10 times what was spent on the environment which was 44 billion. We could easily afford spending 150 billion a year on protectiong our parks, refuges and scenic areas. If yu extended the ages from the original 18-24 to say 18-75 and extended it to all ethnic group, i could see something like 10 million people signing up top do thatover the course of a few years. with 50 states that averages out to 200000 a state. of course not every state would have the same turnout. but if you did like the original program did and got the local towns to by in, i think it would be a very sucessful prigram..,
Post by packerconvert on Aug 25, 2012 8:46:55 GMT -5
I think the point of Government is to get people off the nipple and build the private sector through the Middle Class.
I agree that the Obama tax cuts should be allowed to sunset, that laser scapel that President Obama has in his back pocket finally needs to come out and he go through the budget and cut out unecessary spending and submit an actual budget to Congress that will pass and then work with Congress to get it passed by using his bully pulpit.
Now before anyone shoots their mouth off about Republicans being obstructionist, I would remind you that Obama hasn't even worked with the Democratic leadership over the last year. He doesn't have faith in the system which is why he trires to back door his goals through executive power, oftentime, asserting powers he does not have. Talk about wiping your arse with the Constituion. Also, He's been too busy jet setting with the stars, to empathize with those who are struggling between paying rent or feeding the kids.
Post by happypacker on Aug 25, 2012 17:41:51 GMT -5
like bushn never did what he wanted and did the same thing in concerns with the Constitiution. it is politics that is wrong not the people themselves so much. it is the way they RUN THIS COUNTRY AND WHO DOES IT