Post by TW on Jul 29, 2012 14:30:50 GMT -5
In a way, that's right. It isn't one direct job in IT. It's all the newly created jobs that the IT industry has allowed to happen. That's where the crux of these new jobs were.
As an example, the computer itself is one thing, but all the software that's developed, the hardware, even the cabinets, monitors, mouses, mouse pads, internet businesses, internet site hosting, everything combined, is what absorbed the work force.
It's a technology advance, and it was across the board. amazing, and generous earnings for investors and workers.
That is, until businesses decided they'd prefer having the products made overseas in sweat shops, because it was cheaper.
Welcome to Nike world!
Post by packerconvert on Jul 29, 2012 16:08:07 GMT -5
And houskeepers and secretaries are doing these jobs? The booms you talked about happened overseas when we shipped our jobs overthere.
Post by TW on Jul 29, 2012 18:31:51 GMT -5
Those housekeepers, and a large percentage of the secretaries, are part of two worker families, who are eligible for assistance, and have little, or no insurance benefits.
Post by packerconvert on Jul 29, 2012 19:39:59 GMT -5
Agreed. They are part of the displaced workers that were to be re-trained under NAFTA for which Bush never paid attention to during his 8 years of dropping the ball domestically.
There are so many reports of jobs available in America for which American cannot offer trained workers.
That gap needs to close with a more comprehensive back to work training program other than Obama's admnistration paying for on-line schools (which is a sham in it's own right in my opinion leading to another economic bubble about to collapse.)
Post by packerconvert on Jul 29, 2012 19:46:33 GMT -5
Post by TW on Jul 29, 2012 21:55:56 GMT -5
Excellent article. I tend to agree that there's a lot of jobs out there going unfilled because there aren't enough qualified people to fill them.
Bush may be partially responsible for it, but I'm not letting the Dems off the hook. They had their chances to push technical schooling as an alternative as far back as the Clinton administration, when NAFTA really started, and they failed to do so.
The fact is, we spend way too much time evaluating the conventional school system where many young people won't gain what they need, to become tomorrow's technical worker. In the end, these kids slip through the cracks, and become America's lost boys and girls, eventually ending up on the dole, because it's what they know best.
Great article! Thanks for posting it.
I think about some of the young people I've met who have the intelligence to handle these jobs, if they only had the education. Sadly, they don't.
Post by happypacker on Jul 30, 2012 10:23:16 GMT -5
Agreed. They are part of the displaced workers that were to be re-trained under NAFTA for which Bush never paid attention to during his 8 years of dropping the ball domestically. There are so many reports of jobs available in America for which American cannot offer trained workers. That gap needs to close with a more comprehensive back to work training program other than Obama's admnistration paying for on-line schools (which is a sham in it's own right in my opinion leading to another economic bubble about to collapse.) I sat in on a meeting called"manufacturers assoc." they were talking about the furture of skilled labor in mach shop work,foundary tooling in the country. they said "no more smoke stacks" the jobs of the furture will be mostly computor,and service type jobs. easy jobs like putting together parts that were produced overseas. lower paying jobs, many students switch they majors in college to those types and the labor force began to change. that was 1985. Jack Welch of General Electric . They now have found out that without skilled labor making things from the beginning that the work force is not as capable. the quality of work overseas in palled by the American work force and how well they can produce things. we are trying to bring back those jobs, but guess what? there is such a high demand for them and nobody quilified for them because the young followed the lead of the dumb ass rich and greedy for cheap labor. to increase there own pockets with cash.